This seminar and workshop goes beyond diversity awareness and propels participants towards cultural inclusiveness, cultural competence and empowerment in diversity situations. Participants will examine their feelings, beliefs, attitudes, behaviors and actions related to culture and diversity. The intensive activities and discussions support the main objectives: Develop knowledge to reduce ignorance; Develop skills to enhance competence; Make a personal commitment to embrace inclusiveness and promote empowerment.
Pre-requisites: Participants must be willing to select at least four items:
- Open to listening to issues about culture and diversity
- Willing to discuss attitudes and differences around gender, race, sexual orientation, diversity, etc.
- Willing to examine self and personal positions
- Open to personal change
- Willing to examine information about different cultures
- Open to making a personal commitment to embrace diversity and cultural competence
Program highlights:
- Explore the costs of cultural intolerance
- Examine the ‘isms’: Racism, classism, ageism, sexism & other-isms.
- Discuss key information on different cultures
- Experience cultural encounters of different kinds: Assess how you feel and act in culturally diverse situations
- Examine what cultural competency is and what it is not
- Analyze beliefs and attitudes which perpetuate cultural stereotypes
- Discuss and explore historical issues which may underlie today’s cultural problems
- Take a thorough, confidential and very personal analysis of your own beliefs & attitudes about different aspects of diversity
- Discuss and be involved in cross-cultural communication
- Explore the barriers to understanding diversity: stereotypes, beliefs, positions & assumptions
- Examine the risks and benefits of becoming culturally competent
- Discover why it is in your own self interest to be sensitive to & embrace cultural differences
- Explore the importance of cultural inclusiveness, competence and empowerment within organizations
- Discuss and explore cultural competency skill sets and their relationship to professional and personal empowerment and performance
- Identify where you are now and how far you want to go on the journey towards cultural competence with a view to embrace cultural inclusiveness and empowerment
- Practice key steps to developing and optimizing cultural competence skills
- Discover whether or not you are willing or ready to make a commitment to increase cultural competence, embrace inclusiveness, and promote empowerment of others.