Are you caught in a professional quandary?
This workshop will help participants to clarify ethical issues and dilemmas involving conflicts of interest, confidentiality, professional behavior and dual roles. Federal, state and local guidelines as well as the new HIPAA guidelines will be discussed. This exploration of ethical codes of conduct will benefit parole & probation officers and other court employees, social workers, addictions counselors, psychologists, prevention specialists, therapists, and law enforcement officers.
Program highlights
Examine conflicts between personal, job and professional responsibilities.
Analyze key ethical principles & guidelines for addiction counselors and social workers.
Raise your awareness of your own values, attitudes and behaviors and how these might impact on your professionalism.
Examine the new HIPAA guidelines… Do the HIPAA guidelines apply to you?
Clarify ethical dilemmas.
Increase your knowledge of legal standards and ethical codes of practice.
Discuss key issues regarding confidentiality.
Have fun examining interesting real-life scenarios
Explore issues of client welfare, dual relationships and the differences between ethics and the law
Learn the guidelines for developing ethically responsible prevention programs
Discuss how to identify and assist impaired colleagues.
Ethics at Work: Bringing values to work
This workshop examines workplace ethics and how they impact professionalism, performance and productivity. Participants are challenged to explore their deeply held values, personal beliefs and habitual behaviors and ethical codes of conduct which are at the core of who they are as employees. They will explore the relationship between their ethical conduct and how they perform on the job.
Program highlights
Define workplace ethics: Is it attitude or behavior?
Identify and clarify your personal beliefs and values and discuss how they could impact professional behavior and workplace ethics.
Explore how culture and ethnicity affect your work ethic.
Identify specific ethical dilemmas related to your profession.
Discuss on the job scenarios and examples of real life ethical breaches.
Examine your thoughts about honesty, integrity, and fairness.
Fully discuss the importance of establishing and maintaining confidentiality as a principle.
Differentiate the issues of responsibility vs. duty.
Examine a “civil service” code of ethics.
- Discuss nine principles of ethics including impartiality, impropriety & confidentiality.
Make a commitment now: Take the High Road!